About Our Projects

Our Project Certification & Accreditation

Our commitment to climate action is rooted in adhering to globally recognised standards that ensure the highest quality in emissions reduction projects.

How We Work

We take pride in the rigorous processes that each of our projects undergoes, with regular audits conducted by independent third-party organisations to maintain transparency and trust.

Whether it's reducing emissions, recovering plastic, supporting global humanitarian carbon projects, planting trees, enhancing biodiversity, or advancing renewable energy, all our projects meet internationally recognised standards. We continuously ensure their additionality and environmental integrity through regular, independent audits, fostering a trusted and impactful approach to creating a more sustainable world.

Registries v Standards

Understanding the Difference

Standards are frameworks or sets of rules that define the criteria a project must meet to be certified for its environmental and social impacts. These standards ensure that projects are credible, measurable, and verifiable, often focusing on areas like carbon reduction, biodiversity enhancement, or sustainable development. Adhering to a standard means that a project has been designed and implemented according to specific guidelines that ensure its effectiveness and integrity.

Registries are databases or platforms that track and record the issuance, transfer, and retirement of carbon credits or other environmental certificates that meet certain standards. They serve as a public ledger, ensuring transparency and accountability in the environmental markets. Registries also play a crucial role in preventing double counting, where the same carbon credit could be sold or claimed more than once.

American Carbon Registry


The American Carbon Registry (ACR) is a nonprofit enterprise of Winrock International and one of the world’s leading carbon offset registries. Established in 1996, ACR sets rigorous standards for carbon offset projects, focusing on transparency, scientific integrity, and innovation in carbon markets.

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BioCarbon Standard


BioCarbon Standard is a platform dedicated to the certification of climate change mitigation projects in forestry and land use. It focuses on enhancing the transparency and environmental integrity of carbon sequestration projects, particularly in Latin America.

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CERCARBONO is a Colombian-based registry that certifies projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions, enhancing carbon sinks, and promoting sustainable development. It offers a robust framework for certifying emission reduction efforts, particularly in the Latin American region.

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The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a global scheme developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to address the increase in total CO2 emissions from international aviation. It provides a standardized approach for airlines to offset their emissions, supporting the industry's commitment to carbon-neutral growth.

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CSA Group


CSA Group is a global organisation dedicated to developing standards and testing, inspection, and certification services to ensure the safety, sustainability, and performance of products, systems, and services. Founded in Canada, CSA Group is well-regarded for its comprehensive standards in a wide range of industries, including energy, health care, and sustainability. The organisation also offers robust environmental and climate-related standards, including those for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, helping companies and projects meet high standards for environmental integrity and safety.

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Clean Development Mechanism


The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a carbon offset scheme under the Kyoto Protocol, allowing industrialized countries to invest in emission reduction projects in developing countries as a way to meet their own emission reduction targets. Projects registered under CDM are rigorously evaluated to ensure they provide real, measurable, and long-term climate benefits.

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Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards


The Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) Standards managed by Verra focus on land management projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions while delivering net-positive benefits to local communities and biodiversity. These standards are designed to foster integrated, sustainable development outcomes alongside verified carbon reductions.

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Core Carbon Principles


The Core Carbon Principles (CCP) established by the ICVCM are a set of high-level guidelines designed to ensure the quality and integrity of carbon credits. These principles provide a benchmark for evaluating the environmental and social impact of carbon reduction projects, enhancing trust in the voluntary carbon market.

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GHG CleanProjects® Registry


The GHG CleanProjects® Registry by CSA Group is a platform that provides validation and verification for greenhouse gas emission reduction projects. It ensures that projects meet rigorous Canadian and international standards, offering transparency and credibility to stakeholders.

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Gold Standard


Gold Standard is a globally recognised certification body for high-quality climate and sustainable development projects. Established in 2003 by WWF and other NGOs, it ensures that projects not only reduce carbon emissions but also contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Projects certified by Gold Standard must demonstrate genuine and measurable impacts on both the environment and local communities.

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Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market


The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM) is an independent governance body that sets and enforces global standards for the voluntary carbon market. It aims to ensure that carbon credits are credible, have environmental integrity, and contribute to sustainable development goals.

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Plan Vivo


Plan Vivo is a certification standard focused on sustainable land use and community-led natural resource management projects. It ensures that projects contribute to climate change mitigation, while also enhancing the livelihoods of rural communities and preserving ecosystems.

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Plastic Waste Reduction Standard


The Plastic Waste Reduction Standard by Verra provides a robust framework for projects that reduce plastic waste in the environment. It enables the issuance of plastic credits for verified plastic waste collection and recycling efforts, fostering accountability and transparency in addressing plastic pollution.

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Puro Earth


Puro.earth is a marketplace and standard for carbon removal, focusing on biochar, carbonated building elements, and geologically stored carbon. It provides a transparent and efficient platform for businesses to purchase verified carbon removal certificates, supporting long-term carbon sequestration solutions.

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Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard


The Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) by Verra is a flexible framework that enables projects to measure and certify their contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This standard ensures that projects not only reduce emissions but also generate positive social and environmental impacts.

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Verra is a leading global standards organisation that develops and manages frameworks to measure, track, and certify various environmental and social impacts. Their flagship program, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), is one of the world’s most widely used voluntary carbon market standards, ensuring that carbon credits represent real, additional, and permanent emission reductions.

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Woodland Carbon Code


The Woodland Carbon Code is the UK’s voluntary standard for woodland creation projects that aim to sequester carbon dioxide. Projects certified under this code must meet high standards for sustainable forest management and carbon sequestration, ensuring that they deliver lasting environmental benefits.

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Our Climate Improvement Methods

Wind turbines on a hill

Humanitarian Climate Projects

Explore our humanitarian carbon projects can drive sustainable development and climate resilience. Discover our initiatives and their transformative impact on communities and the environment.
A lady watering tree seedlings in Kenya

Tree Planting and Reforestation

Discover how tree planting can contribute to carbon offsetting and environmental sustainability. Learn about our global initiatives and the socio-economic benefits for vulnerable communities.
Community Members collecting Plastic from beaches

Ocean-Bound Plastic Recovery

Join us in the fight against plastic pollution. Learn about our plastic waste collection initiatives and how they contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet while providing socio-economic benefits to communities.