Carbon Calculator Checklist

A checklist to make sure you have all the answers for the Carbon Calculator to hand to make it even quicker to answer and get your results.
Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read

The SKOOT Carbon Calculator isn't just a free and simple way to calculate and understand your business' emissions. You also get:

👏 Clear solutions to reduce your footprint through certified planting and verified carbon credits.

🌳 Impact profile to keep track of your trees planted and carbon absorbed.

🥇 Social assets and Impact Certificate to showcase the good you are doing for the planet and community.

💚 Support from the SKOOT team experienced in climate action

It only takes a couple of minutes to answer the questions on the calculator to get your results. The sections covered are people, office, travel and you. We have created a checklist to make sure you have all the information to hand to make the calculator even more efficient for you. You need to know:


  1. Number of employees in your company
  2. Office or remote-based


  1. Size of office or number of people it accommodates


  1. Transport used for business purposes (excluding commute)
  2. Number of transport trips and frequency


  1. Your email address and we send the the results straight to you.

It's as simple as that! We use the answers you gave to our questions, and combine that information with average statistics taken from Greenhouse Gas Protocol to generate your results. We will recommend a plan for you to offset your carbon emissions by 100, 200 or 300%. We do this by planting certified trees and through verified carbon credits.

If you need any help with answering the Carbon Calculator or want to find out about individual plans get in touch with us [email protected]

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Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read