Covid and lifts with SKOOT - safe SKOOT’ing

We have taken the decision to temporarily suspend the Instant Ride feature on SKOOT.
Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read

The safety of Drivers and Riders who use SKOOT is key to us (it’s one of the reasons for setting up SKOOT in the first place) and we see SKOOT as being a great alternative to public transport.

The situation is changing regularly but the current guidance for lift-sharing, car-pooling and car-sharing is to adhere to the social distancing rules (unless from the same household or social bubble).

You should try not to share a vehicle with those outside your household or support bubble. If you need to do this, try to:

  • share the transport with the same people each time
  • keep to small groups of people at any one time
  • open windows for ventilation
  • travel side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow
  • face away from each other
  • consider seating arrangements to maximise the distance between people in the vehicle
  • clean your car between journeys using standard cleaning products - make sure you clean door handles and other areas that people may touch
  • ask the driver and passengers to wear a face covering

We have taken the decision to temporarily suspend the Instant Ride feature on SKOOT. This is to adhere to government restrictions and to help stop and slow the spread of the virus.

Once we see the slow of the pandemic, we’ll reintroduce Instant Ride back onto the App.

Shared Drive and Errands are still available for use!

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Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read