Empowering a climate-conscious workforce

Discover strategies for companies to retain talent amidst 'Climate Quitting' through sustainability goals and engaging initiatives.
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June 12, 2024
3 min read

The trend of ‘Climate Quitting’ – where employees leave their jobs over sustainability concerns – is gaining momentum. A 2022 Deloitte survey indicates that 43% of Gen-Z employees have contemplated such a move due to their company's environmental stance. This poses a critical challenge for employers: How can we foster a workplace that prioritises sustainability and retains top talent?

Understanding the trend

Today’s workforce, especially younger generations, prioritise meaningful work that aligns with their personal values, including environmental impact. They increasingly evaluate prospective employers’ climate policies with the same rigour as other benefits and compensation packages. If employers don’t take meaningful action and demonstrate their environmental responsibility, they risk a retention and attraction of talent crisis.

Setting ambitious climate goals

Embarking on the sustainability journey begins with goal-setting. Companies like Patagonia, aiming for 100% carbon neutrality by 2025, exemplify ambitious climate goals. Realistic yet ambitious targets, coupled with a clear roadmap, are essential. A study by the World Economic Forum found that companies with ambitious climate goals outperform their competitors on financial metrics such as return on investment and market capitalization. For instance, setting a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 provides both direction and a measurable outcome. However, it's not enough to merely set these goals—regular check-ins, progress reports, and iterative adjustments are crucial.  

Investing in renewable energy and sustainable technologies

While companies like Google and Microsoft invest in renewable energy, SMEs might feel challenged in demonstrating their climate consciousness. SKOOT democratises access to climate-tech, offering scalable and affordable solutions for businesses of all sizes. This approach allows even small enterprises - from restaurants to estate agents - to contribute meaningfully to the global sustainability effort and importantly bring their customers along their journey. 

Reducing carbon footprint and waste production

Simple measures like minimising paper use, maximising recycling, and utilising eco-friendly materials in all areas of business operations can significantly impact. Embracing a circular economy philosophy can transform waste into a valuable resource.

Educating and engaging employees

Investing in employee education on climate change and its global impact is vital. Making climate change relatable beyond just facts and figures is key to forging an emotional connection and encouraging action. For example, companies like Nike and Unilever are using gamification and social learning platforms to educate their employees on sustainability and their plans. By making sustainability personal and engaging, we can inspire employees to champion these values not only in the workplace, but in their daily lives too. 

Introducing climate-conscious perks

Offering perks that reflect eco-conscious values can deepen employee engagement with sustainability. SKOOT Life for teams for instance, is a subscription service that empowers employers to support their employees in reducing and countering their carbon footprint. Each employee's carbon offset is paired with a carbon project that supports communities, offering a comprehensive approach to carbon offsetting. For less than the price of a daily cup of coffee per employee, businesses can invest in SKOOT Life, a cost-effective and environmentally responsible choice.

Other options include offering employees paid time off to volunteer for environmental organisations or discounts on sustainable products and services. These benefits demonstrate the organisation's commitment to the planet.

The business case for climate action

Acting on climate change isn't just an ethical choice; it's a smart business move. Eco-friendly policies correlate with enhanced brand loyalty, greater customer retention, and a significant edge in attracting top-tier talent. Recent surveys suggest that millennials are willing to sacrifice a portion of their salary to work for an environmentally responsible company. In fact, The Harvard Business Review has highlighted that companies with robust sustainability programs often see better financial performance.

Action on climate change is a business imperative and a moral obligation. By setting bold climate goals and introducing innovative programs like SKOOT Life, we can build organisations that thrive and contribute positively to our planet. Let's seize this opportunity to lead by example and create a more sustainable future for all.

SKOOT Life for teams
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Written by
June 12, 2024
3 min read