How Hospitality Brands Can Turn Sustainability into Growth

Discover how your business can thrive by aligning with the UK's climate goals.
Written by
October 22, 2024
4 min read

Climate Change: It’s Not Just a Buzzword

Climate change—it’s not a buzzword or a passing trend. Unfortunately, it’s here for the long term, along with the UK’s commitment to hitting net-zero emissions by 2050. And this isn’t just some lofty ideal; it’s a rallying cry for every sector, from energy to agriculture—and yes, hospitality too.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: "I can’t reduce my carbon footprint when I’m running a restaurant, hotel, or event space and struggling to keep the doors open?"

But the reality is your guests are prepared to pay more for sustainable venues, they expect you to be sustainable, and your staff want to work in a business that takes sustainability seriously. It’s the win-win-win mindset we need to adopt—growing the bottom line and saving the planet at the same time.

Small to medium-sized hospitality brands are in a prime position to make a quick, impactful shift. Sustainability is no longer just a "nice-to-have"—it's a massive business opportunity. Solutions like those offered by SkootEco can help streamline these efforts to Identify, Avoid, and Counter your emissions. So, let’s get into how your hospitality business can drive growth while making the planet a little greener.

Aligning with National Climate Goals (Yes, You Can Be a Hero)

The UK government’s been pretty clear about its climate priorities, thanks to our friends at DEFRA. They focus on:

  • Clean air
  • Plentiful water
  • Thriving wildlife
  • Reducing waste
  • Cutting emissions to slow down climate change

But what does that mean for your café or boutique hotel? Hospitality businesses can be leaders in this space. You have the power to slash your energy use, cut down on waste, and become the eco-friendly spot people want to visit. Much of what you’re already doing as part of your CSR or ESG initiatives can align with your carbon reduction goals.

The Power of Small Changes

You don’t need to go full Greta Thunberg overnight (unless you want to, of course). It’s about embracing an "and" mindset, rather than thinking you have to choose between business and sustainability.

Start small. Got an old gas-guzzling oven? Swap it out for an energy-efficient model. Is your restaurant’s food bin overflowing with waste every week? Partner with a local food bank or set up a composting system. The little things add up—and trust us, your customers will notice.

Did you know? Food waste accounts for between 6-10% of all emissions—compared to aviation’s 3%. Every small step counts.

Sustainability as a Growth Strategy (Yes, It’s Also Good for Business)

Let’s get real for a second: Sustainability sells. Today’s consumers are savvier than ever. They’re reading labels, asking questions, and Googling whether your seafood is sustainably sourced before they make a booking at your seaside bistro.

In fact, 73% of global consumers say they would definitely change their habits to reduce their environmental impact.

What does this mean for you? It means sustainability is your secret weapon to stand out in a competitive market. If you’re not thinking green, someone else is—and they’re stealing your eco-conscious customers.

How to Be the Eco-Friendly Spot Everyone Loves

Your sustainability story is a marketing goldmine and needs to be woven into your business. From proudly displaying your zero-waste kitchen to shouting about your solar-powered lights on social media, make it part of your brand’s DNA.

Emerging hospitality brands have a unique advantage here. You can build sustainability right into the foundation of your business, without the red tape that bigger brands struggle with—and your staff want to help you tell that story.

Think how inspired you are when you’re in a venue that uses bamboo toiletries, or a restaurant that serves locally-sourced, organic dishes and shows you a map of where the ingredients come from. Or like the hotel group De Vere, which plants a tree if you opt out of housekeeping, partnering with sustainability organisations like SkootEco. These aren’t just trends—they’re game-changers that can turn any venue into the go-to destination for more conscientious consumers.

Tip: Integrate your message into what you already do. For example: "We choose these lovely plants over cut-flowers because that saves over 20kg of carbon emissions per bunch of flowers."

Practical Tools to Track and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Let’s talk about tracking your progress. You can’t manage what you can’t measure, right? Thankfully, you don’t need to be a data scientist to get this right (although, if you are, we’re totally impressed). There are loads of easy-to-use tools to help track your energy use, water consumption, and carbon footprint.

At SkootEco, we build unique carbon footprint calculators for businesses, whether it’s for events, hotels, restaurants, or food menus. If you want to understand your footprint, it’s now easier than ever.

For context, the average hotel room emits 11.5kg of CO₂ per night, a three-course meal is 8kg, and a 25-mile journey is 6kg. But more importantly, we make it relatable—what do these numbers mean for your business?

We know a thing or two about carbon tracking and countering (hint: it’s what we do), but more importantly, we know how to showcase the good you’re doing. That’s the critical piece.

Actionable Insights: Steps for Aligning with National Policies and Growing Your Business

At times, it can feel overwhelming with so many facts and figures. But aligning your hospitality business with the UK’s climate goals doesn’t have to be daunting. In fact, here are some actionable steps you can take right now:

  1. Assess your impact (know where you stand)
    You can’t make changes if you don’t know where the problems lie. How much energy do you use? How much waste do you generate? Where are you sourcing your products from? Once you know what your biggest environmental challenges are, you can start making targeted improvements.
  2. Set bold goals (and shout about them)
    Don’t just say you’re going green—put some numbers behind it. Set clear, measurable goals like reducing your energy usage by 20% over the next year or switching to 100% renewable energy. Share these goals with your customers and let them know how they can be part of the change.
  3. Engage your team (because it’s not a solo mission)
    Your staff are your biggest allies when it comes to implementing sustainable practices. Talk to them about energy-saving techniques, recycling best practices, and how to communicate your green initiatives to customers. When your staff are on board, your message will resonate louder and clearer
  4. Take your guests on the journey (be a part of something bigger)
    It’s not just you who are responsible for reducing carbon. Involve your guests (and suppliers) in your efforts. This could mean partnering with local businesses or adding a visible eco-contribution to bills, with total transparency about where the money goes—from supporting local initiatives to funding high-quality carbon projects or ocean plastic removal.

Let’s Build a Better Future,And Grow While We’re At It

The world is waking up to the reality of climate change, and the hospitality industry is no exception. As the saying goes, “If not you, who?” By integrating your sustainability journey into your customer experience, you solve both operational and marketing challenges—especially when your story is authentic.

Emerging brands have the unique chance to lead. By aligning with the UK’s climate goals, embedding sustainability into your business model, and taking actionable steps to reduce your environmental impact, you’re not just contributing to a greener planet—you’re building a brand people love and trust.

So, whether you’re running a cozy café or a city hotel, there’s never been a better time to go green. Sustainability isn’t just a responsibility—it’s a growth strategy.

At SkootEco, we’re all about making the world a better place—one eco-friendly meal, event, or stay at a time.

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Written by
October 22, 2024
4 min read