​​SKOOT Eco joins forces with Oracle MICROS Simphony

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June 12, 2024
4 min read

We are delighted to announce that SKOOT Eco, a prestigious Top 5% B-Corp and a frontrunner in addressing climate change, is now live on the Oracle Cloud Marketplace for MICROS Simphony systems. 

This exciting collaboration introduces an innovative and exciting  approach to the food and hospitality industry, which is responsible for nearly a fifth of all carbon emissions. With our fresh integration, food, beverage and hospitality venues  can plant trees for each customer or bill, effectively help mitigate carbon emissions.

SKOOT Eco-Contribution: Transforming the dining experience

The SKOOT Eco-Contribution is a straightforward yet powerful initiative. For each cover or bill, trees are planted to counterbalance the carbon emissions associated with dining out, and buddy’s each tree with a renewable climate project to remove 12kg CO2 per diner. 

This initiative not only aids in minimising carbon emissions but also empowers businesses to demonstrate their commitment to a positive climate impact and sustainable practices.

Effortless integration with Oracle MICROS Simphony

The integration with MICROS couldn't be simpler, an in the moment frictionless solution. All you need to do is visit SKOOT Eco Oracle or Oracle Marketplace to enable businesses, from standalone venues to large chain establishments, to monitor and plant trees across all their locations.

A solution that costs nothing, yet means everything

The SKOOT Eco-Contribution doesn't necessarily require any financial investment from the business, with the potential for customers to bear the cost. By leveraging your customers' small actions, we can generate a massive positive impact, reforesting the world's most devastated communities and supporting certified carbon mitigation projects.

Customisable and accredited

With the SKOOT integration, businesses have the flexibility to plant trees for every cover or per table. All trees planted are certified and protected with government approval, contributing to ongoing employment in areas where it's most needed.

Our verified renewable carbon projects are from the most trusted platforms; Gold Standard & Verra.

Features and advantages of SKOOT Eco

The SKOOT Eco-Contribution comes packed with a range of features. Businesses can personalise their profile with their logo and content, manage their carbon offset, and generate impact certificates to display their total positive climate impact. A live tree counter can be added to your website, allowing customers to see your live tree counters and the positive impact your business is making.

A leap towards net-zero

With no monthly fees or setup costs, the SKOOT Eco-Contribution supports a sector under financial pressure while help counter carbon emissions for every guest. This initiative positively engages customers on the journey to net-zero, making dining out a more eco-friendly experience.

Interesting facts 

  • Did you know that the average mangrove will sequester 6 kg in its first year, which equates to 1 tonne in its lifetime? 
  • The average person dines out 1.5 times per week, each time emitting 8kg of carbon. 
  • For every tree you plant, we'll pair it with a renewable carbon project to remove 12kg CO2. 
  • We deforest 10 billion trees every year, enough trees to cover Portugal. 
  • Every 10,000 trees reforest an area equivalent to the size of a football pitch. 1 tonne of carbon fills up 1 hot-air balloon.  To counter this, we’d need to plant 169 mangrove trees.

Join us in our mission to transform dining into a cleaner and  greener experience. With SKOOT Eco and Oracle Cloud Marketplace & MICROS Simphony, let's take a stride towards sustainable dining and a healthier planet.

About Eco-Contribution
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Written by
June 12, 2024
4 min read