The future of SKOOT

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June 12, 2024
5 min read

These are exciting times for SKOOT as we start to see real traction on the app and build a strong community of users. But what does the future for SKOOT look like? After recently launching our 1 Million Free Tree Challenge and completing our investment round on CrowdCube you might have thought we’d slow things down for a bit... but this is only the beginning! For all of us, SKOOT is so much more than just a piece of tech, it's a way of life that we want to continue to grow and bring to more people.

And we've been working tirelessly behind the scenes to do just that. It's crucial that not just individuals, but entities too get behind the idea that carbon-negative travel isn't a nice to have, it's the new way of life! So we've decided to introduce a new and pinnacle service to SKOOT which is the B2B offering. Many businesses have now pledged publicly that they will be carbon net 0 by 2030, and Germany has already put a new law in place where employers need to offset their employees' carbon. It's just a matter of time before this is introduced in the UK too, so it's time to get on the front foot. And the planet needs us to start travelling more consciously now!

Current trends and extensive research show that businesses have been investing more money into their ESG goals. We are currently speaking to numerous businesses to help them offset their staff's carbon, and potentially look to reduce it by using SKOOT’s carpooling feature, thus helping them meet these ESG targets. We believe that SKOOT will become the go-to B2B mobility solution! We'll soon be giving a shout out to the first client on our B2B pilot (keep your eyes peeled) and we hope to set the example with them for how businesses can revolutionise the way they offset their carbon footprint.

The teams at SKOOT are constantly coming up with new ideas of how we can make the app more user friendly, how we can reward SKOOT’s super planters, and we can make carbon-negative travel one of the most simple and fulfilling parts of your day. But trying to fit it all into a roadmap can be so challenging (just ask the product team, they might shed a tear). We have to prioritise things that are vital and updates that can wait, what are necessities, and what are nice to haves, but one things for sure we keep the ball rolling. If we consider the current version of the app, and what we first started with we are so excited for the near future and the potential to expand.

This year we are looking to launch a new platform in SKOOT called SAAS. The platform will allow 5.8 million UK SME’s to easily upload and create closed group staff networks to communicate with each other to organise shared journey’s together, to identify their cars carbon footprint and at a tap of a button, offset their car’s carbon. This will be part of the staff perks, and who doesn't love those? We want to demonstrate that businesses are starting to care more about the environment and hopefully encourage employees to use SKOOT on personal journeys as well. The more you use it, the more it becomes habit to tap into SKOOT every time you get in a car.

Building a community of people, who want to do their bit for the planet, and who actively make behaviour changes to get there is a key focus for us. Recently our community has been growing, with a 30% increase in user growth and an increase in users who continue to do trips through SKOOT,  we recognise communities are looking for a simple solution to make a difference. The easier and stress-free we make the app, the more people will be inclined to use SKOOT, as they’ll be making a difference without hardly lifting a finger. 

Our mission is to provide people and companies with an app to solve mobility issues, but also to create a brand that people love. We want "SKOOTing a journey" to become a phrase in the dictionary that just refers to carbon negative travel. We also want to educate people and make them understand why we all need to take responsibility for our carbon footprint. We want to show people how easily they can do their bit and it doesn’t matter how big or small it is, if we all just took one step in the right direction, the impact would be immense. For example if every person in the UK did just one trip through SKOOT in a year, we would plant 35 million trees!

SKOOT is already live in 114 countries, with the US already outstripping every other new market by 200%. This shows us the appetite there is for SKOOT internationally. That's the amazing thing about social media and the internet too. It means that our social team is able to educate and engage with people all around the world. We can offer users and potential users, an eye into the world of SKOOT but also into the world as it stands today and why it so desperately needs us to be actively taking responsibility and recognising the need for sustainable advancements across the board.

With users across the globe, employees of SKOOT all over the world, the only thing left for us to do now is get as many trees planted in as many places as possible. We need the help of businesses and individuals to not only use the app whenever they travel but also to encourage those who don't to make the easy switch and start travelling carbon-free in a few simple steps. So the more we build out the app, and make it pretty nifty if we say so ourselves, and the more accessible we make it, we know we're heading in the right direction. Join is on this journey and keep your eyes peeled for what's next.

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Written by
June 12, 2024
5 min read